Thursday, December 7, 2023



Meditation helps with lowering high blood pressure, stress reduction, treatment for anxiety, depression, all forms of pain: backaches, muscle pain, joint aches, post-operative pain, neck, arm and leg pain.This book provides biblical alternative to Hinduism-Buddhism based meditation techniques. According to Herbert Benson, MD,(1975), Harvard University professor emeritus, cardiologist. pioneer researcher and co-founder of
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Benson-Henry Institute For Mind/Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, “the use of the mantra, which may include the names of Hindu gods, may actually have a negative effect and cause more unrest and anxiety than peace of mind if you don’t believe them.” But Almighty God Jehovah said meditate on his book of the law and do according to what it says, then you will be prosperous and have good success. Systematic Biblical Meditation Protocol is scientific formula for biblical alternative to Eastern meditation techniques.

Author Messenger K. Hezekiah Scipio is doctoral student in health Psychology at Walden University. He is also the founder of Biblical Health Center Inc., 501 ( C ) 3 Tax exempt Biblical Health Science Research Organization in Tampa, Florida.

Minister K. Hezekiah Scipio, 
Board Certified Licensed Massage Therapist
In May 2010, there were widespread reports in the media, including on CNN implying a conduct of moral laxity with a male masseur by a high profile Tampa Baptist Pastor.

The Pastor is George A. Rekers, Ph.D., FAACP, also a distinguished Professor of Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Science Emeritus,at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine. Despite the Pastor's assertions to the contrary, the harm had already been done to him. His reputation suffered irreparable damage.

This is not an attempt to defend any action of impropriety, hypocrisy or duplicity of which he might or might not be guilty, nor is it an effort to embroil ourselves in whatever ideological or political conflicts that might have under girded the allegation.

Our concern is solely to address the questions: Should Christians give or receive a massage? Is massage therapy, for that matter holistic healing, an idolatrous, new age technique exclusively?

It is typical for Christians, like anyone else, in search of solution to their legitimate issues of body aches and pains, to consult Massage Therapists albeit secretively. For there abounds copious incontrovertible medical evidence supporting the benefits of massage and holistic therapy in general.

It is a fact also that there are thousands of Christians who are Licensed Massage Therapists. But like many other professions, Massage Therapy is not insulated from the incursion of charlatans who would unlawfully exploit privileged information for mischief.

Often times those victims of vilification are left defenseless as their Christian brothers and sisters are forced to scamper for cover simply because Christians have ceded ground to the dominance of atheistic and polytheistic philosophies in those areas of healing as a result of insufficient public education about theological basis of holistic health therapy in general , and in particular, about Judeo-Christian biblical precedence of massage and hydrotherapy.

Here are a few references: Genesis 30: 14-17:  “ During wheat harvest, Reuben went out into the fields and found some mandrake plants, which he brought to his mother Leah. Rachel said to Leah, "Please give me some of your son's mandrakes."

15 But she said to her, "Wasn't it enough that you took away my husband? Will you take my son's mandrakes too?"

"Very well," Rachel said, "he can sleep with you tonight in return for your son's mandrakes."

16 So when Jacob came in from the fields that evening, Leah went out to meet him. "You must sleep with me," she said. "I have hired you with my son's mandrakes." So he slept with her that night.

17 God listened to Leah, and she became pregnant and bore Jacob a fifth son. 18 Then Leah said, "God has rewarded me for giving my maidservant to my husband." So she named him Issachar.

19 Leah conceived again and bore Jacob a sixth son. 20 Then Leah said, "God has presented me with a precious gift. This time my husband will treat me with honor, because I have borne him six sons." So she named him Zebulon.

21 Some time later she gave birth to a daughter and named her Dinah.

22 Then God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and opened her womb.

What the bible is saying is this: Reuben brought to his mother mandrake plants because he was aware his mother wanted to have more children although she ceased having babies, and mandrakes were known aphrodisiacs which were also believed to cure sterility- a kind of female toxic Viagra.

Rachel,  Reuben's aunt, and wife of his  father Jacob who did not have any child , made childlessness an issue. She asked her sister for some of the plants in exchange for Leah to have the privilege of having sexual intimacy with their mutual husband, Jacob. "That's crazy!" You would say. But what's not as crazy as marrying two and sisters along with their respective housekeepers?

Well. The deal was done. Mandrakes were exchanged for the right to have sex with husband, and  Jacob had one heavy  overtime to do. Presto. Leah was pregnant! Presto . Rachel was pregnant!

This is the earliest indication of biblical herbalogy by any member of the embryonic nation of Israel. Mandrakes were known aphrodisiacs, and believed to be a cure for sterility. They have a long history as an anesthetic, and have been among the oldest known narcotics. In pagan communities , they were used in making amulets and believed to bring good fortune.” Source: “God's Amazing Bible Plants Healed Me” -(c)2007 K.Hezekiah Scipio, 

Even though the pregnancies and subsequent childbirths of the two sisters followed the use of mandrakes, each credited GOD for their children , and not by their own innate force nor the power of any inanimate idol.

In Esther 2:9 and12 TEV, it is stated that the young Jewish orphan-cousin of Mordecai that  would be future Queen of Persia,   as part of  her preparations for  Persian empire-wide Beauty Pageant for the King - Ahasuerus to pick his wife -  received several treatments of massage and special diet... the regular beauty treatment for the women lasted a year...massages with oil of myrrh for six month and with oil of balsam for six more..” Source: “God's Amazing Bible Plants Healed Me

The bible mentions myrrh 22 times. Its medicinal uses include treatment of stomach problems, and lung diseases. It is applied externally to treat wounds. It is anti-fungal and has been used to treat athlete's foot and candida. It is a tonic remedy to relax muscles, increase peristaltic action, and stimulate gastric secretions.
"Placing a little myrrh in a hot bath and marinating for about twenty minutes is an excellent way to relax and to tone the skin at the same time” Source: “God's Amazing Bible Plants Healed Me” .

2 Kings 20:1-7, God instructed the prophet Isaiah to tell King Hezekiah to make poultice of fig leaves and apply it to his boils to live again in answer to Hezekiah's prayers after Isaiah had told him to get his house in order and prepare to die of the sickness that plagued him. “The fig that the prophet Isaiah instructed King Hezekiah to use to recover from his illness has many uses including application of its latex on warts, skin ulcers and sores. The leaf tea is taken as a remedy for diabetes and calcification in the kidneys and liver. “

2 Kings 5: 14: Prophet Elisha before the time of our Lord Jesus Christ ordered a leprous Syrian General, Naaman, by name to undergo hydrotherapy.” Source : “Biblical Massage And Holy Spirit Touch” -Hezekiah K. Scipio, 
Ez 47:12, “The trees will provide food, and their leaves will be used for healing. ' Ps 104:14-15,

John 9:06, Our Lord Jesus Himself treated a man born blind by mud therapy when He told the blind man to go and wash himself in the pool pf Siloam after applying mud from His own saliva over the blind man's eyes. Mk 16:15-18 HE has commissioned us, His followers to “Go preach...teach...lay hands on the sick , and they shall be healed” Mk 16: 18

It is about time that People of God reclaimed for God Almighty Yahweh what is of God. Our God, Yahweh Elohim is the only Originator and Creator of biblical massage. There is none other.

Biblical Massage And Holy Spirit Touch, the title of my book, cedes no ground to the notion that healing is by the individuals "innate force" or to any technique or modality that does not credit Almighty God as THE HEALER of all our ailments. Servants of God had better come out and openly claim for GOD what belongs to GOD by seeking and supporting Christian Massage Therapists, and insisting upon being treated to techniques that are not antithetical to Judeo-Christian doctrine.

"BIBLICAL MASSAGE", the book states, "is a healing technique that trusts Almighty God as the Sovereign Healer of the sick through Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. It focuses on healing the Spirit of man, his soul and body, using Christian hymns of praises and worship, prayers, biblical meditation, biblical fasting..."

From now on, let all believers proclaim : It is all right for God's People to receive Massage Therapy. If you've not been secretive about visiting your urologist or gynecologist, why fight shy about your Massage Therapist?

"Each one , as a good manager of God's different gifts, must use for the good of others the special gifts he has received from GOD..." 1 Peter 4:10

Every nation, race, tribe or clan have special people endowed with the knowledge and skill to perform "intentional and systematic manipulation of the soft tissue of the body to enhance health and healing." Some attribute the healing effect of the procedure to the individuals own "innate force", or occult powers, some to the "source" or to "energy", or to their respective gods or idols.
In the Judeo-Christian scheme of things, there is no other God but Yahweh Elohim, even the very Creator of "energy" , therefore, Christians credit Almighty God through Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit for their healing.

This is biblical massage. This is Holy Spirit Touch. It would be in the interest of Christian recipients if they yoked together the services of Believing Therapists

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